
Debate: parley, discourse, dissention, talks.

Current: the loss/gain of an hour's worth of work for about two minutes worth of music.

Rather pathetic techno/dance music is undoubtedly easiest to write, but not much skill appears to be required.

In my defense. I have also finished writing a chorale today.

Chorale in F | Music Upload


Gesticulate: signal, motion, wave, sign.

Last weekend was Interrupt (language-driven digital art). One of the artists, Eugenio Tisselli (http://www.motorhueso.net/) had this really cool piece, about trying to get through on a phone call, to get a question answered, and not being able to. It was probably the singular most effective depiction of that scenario I've ever seen.

Also, the famous Young Hae-Chang Heavy Industries (http://www.yhchang.com/) was there. They were really awesome. Probably my favorite piece.
People have asked me to define digital poetry, or as they call it here "language-driven digital art". I can't, because each of the pieces will be so radically different. The style is new enough that they still exploring, there are no set rules so no one's breaking them yet.

There is one digital artist you might have heard of,
Aya Karpinska (http://technekai.com/), she did the fairly well known, top 25-downloaded iPhone/iPod Touch applet Shadows Never Sleep. She came back to visit us when she came to Interrupt, it was very nice to see her again.